Monday, July 6, 2015

When Love Didn’t Fail Me

By Linda Patton ~June 6, 2015

       In English, Ms. A assigned us to read and critique our classmates’ essays.  I dreaded judging the work of others. I received a few comments back that helped me tremendously. In these comments, more than one person mentioned that they would like to hear more about some way that I have shown an act of kindness that supports my creed. Tonight, I would like to spend some time exploring two instances that I am considering adding to my essay.

       Many years ago, some of our dearest friends were in a bind. They needed a few hundred dollars to fix the urgent problem they were facing. My heart broke. How could we possibly help? I had $20 which wouldn’t even begin to give them any relief. After praying about it, I remembered the verse in the bible where the man hid the talent so that he wouldn’t lose it. He told the master, “I knew you were an austere man and you reaped where you did not sow. Therefore I hid it that I might not lose it.” The Master was very displeased. With that in mind, I approached the couple with tears in my eyes and explained that I knew it wouldn’t come close to helping, but I needed to offer that. They accepted after graciously trying to refuse. Only a few hours later, they called me in tears. They had received a refund check from something unexpected in the mail that took care of the entire need. With tears rolling, the woman expounded to me. “I know the Lord took that $20 and multiplied it.” That lesson rings in my heart yet today. LOVE NEVER FAILS!

       My brother, his wife, and 4 small children lived in Iowa and we lived in Republic. Complications during a medical procedure left him with MRSA in his arm. He nearly lost his arm and a horrific scar now reminds him of that every day. So much trauma and medical expenses had quite an impact on their budget. With Christmas a short time away, I knew they would struggle. My husband had recently changed jobs and we kept a pretty tight budget. Nevertheless, I saved and put back every dime I could. I intended to make sure those kids had something for Christmas.

       The week before Christmas, our Pastor announced that we were going to adopt 5 families. Their need was great. Being a small church, we knew the congregation well. We were aware that they all faced the same challenges in their budgets. Some struggled with illness, others had lost their jobs, and some took their grandkids to raise. But Pastor felt the Lord had urged us to help all 5 families. I went home and hit my knees. I asked the Lord what we could do to help. I felt urged to take the money I had saved, add some to it, and shop for these families. My heart ached as I prayed “Oh Lord, there isn’t enough to help them all.” I had a pretty good idea what I needed to do, but I began to worry. I finally took a deep breath and gave in, “Lord, I’m going to spend all that I have on these families, will you please take care of my brother’s kids?” And we did just that.

       Sunday morning, we carried wrapped gifts in to each pile in the church. The families had been invited to attend a fellowship dinner with us that evening, where they would get their gifts and hopefully feel as though they were loved. When it came time to leave, my truck decided starting wasn’t on its list of things to do that day, so we said a prayer and stayed home. We later heard of the wonderful blessings the families, as well as the church members had experienced. I was so thankful.

       Christmas morning came and my heart was heavy. Finally the phone rang and my mother cried as she told me what had happened. She began with, “The Lord is so good.” A church close by had been given their names and adopted them for Christmas. She related to me how he had cried, humbled by the generosity of the church people. I remember her words plainly. He was still crying when he told her, “But Mom, you can’t imagine. They gave us such nice things. We couldn’t buy those things even if I weren’t sick.” The tears that rolled down my face were filled with joy and humility. The Lord had done even more than what I had asked, and not only that, but He multiplied the love to several more children.  LOVE DIDN’T FAIL!  

       I do not tell these things with any pride, or to be noticed. I tell them because I honestly believe that the Lord took what I had and made something better out of it. I tell this of my experience that LOVE NEVER FAILS!

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