Saturday, July 4, 2015


By Linda Patton ~ July 4, 2015

This Independence Day I’m more thankful than I ever before. Everywhere I look I find something else that I have because I live in a Nation where we are FREE!  

We are free to choose whichever god we think is worthy of our praise. I choose to worship the God of the Bible. The “I am” that created heaven and earth. The God who created man, and then sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins, making a way for all who choose to worship HIM. I believe I have this right because I live in the United States of America, just as I believe each individual has a right to choose whom he will serve.

We are free to have families. My husband and I have two children. We have friends who have 1, 3, 4, and even some who have 11. In the United States of America, we are free to make this decision for ourselves.

We are free to choose what house, city, and state we live in. We have lived in town, as well as the country. I love them both. We choose to live in a rural area in Missouri, where we are free to have chickens, goats, dogs, cats, turkeys, and guineas. Our neighbors are free to have their donkeys, cows, horses, rabbits, and any other livestock or pets they like.

We have the freedom to eat what we want, buy what we want, do what we want, and work where we want. We can try our hand at any hobby or activity that makes us happy. We have the freedom to travel anywhere in this Nation to see the mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans, deserts, and many other amazing sights that make up our Great Country.

Today, I enjoyed a wonderful day with my family. I will share tomorrow with a larger part of my extended family, sharing fish that my cousin caught while exercising his right to fish. Others will bring vegetables grown in their gardens, fruit from their bushes, baked goods, and salads, all things that remind me of our freedoms in the United States of America.

We must appreciate the simple things in our lives. These simple things make America worth fighting for.  As we celebrate our independence today, please look around and find the things in your life that remind you of the Glorious Freedom we have been given in this great country - The United States of America.

And by whatever means you choose, please - LET FREEDOM RING!

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