Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Morsel of Understanding

By Linda Patton ~ July 18, 2015

     Blog, Blog, Blog! I am a day behind. This week, my world revolves around finals. One down, two more to go. One of which is an essay involving a thesis based on Eric Greitens’ book, “The Heart and the Fist.” It has become my favorite book of all time, and if you need something to read, I highly recommend this one.

     However, today, I’m discussing the process of learning. I don’t know how many times this week I have heard someone say, “Enjoy the journey.” I think this message is for me.  This being my first semester in college, finals week has proven to be every bit as difficult as its reputation. Nevertheless, I’m holding my own. Because summer school is shorter, I don’t have time to do any differently. No time to worry about slacking in my everyday duties and being a terrible wife, mother, daughter, or friend. No time to help my family with vacation projects, or go to the pool or lake. My only goal -- survive!

     In English, we were assigned a research project over various things. The assignment was meant to teach us more about research. That seemed simple enough. Ha! Only until I got to the half way point. By the time I hit the three quarter mark, I sat at the computer, my eyes squinted, my head aching, trying not to scream, pulling my hair out, and ready to give in to mediocrity and laziness.  I didn’t have time for this, I had a research paper to write. Frustrated and overwhelmed, I took a deep breath. I will not allow myself to be lazy. My work may be mediocre, or even not very good, but as long as I have breath in my body, it will be my very best. So I pressed on. Fifteen minutes later, my fingers were speeding across the computer, research articles lined several pages of my internet browser, and I didn’t want to stop.  It was at that point I learned the purpose of the assignment. After finally understanding and finishing this assignment, the research on that final essay is going much faster. I am able to better focus my searches on the necessary topic, and I have learned to take better notes throughout the process. Ultimately, the end of the assignment, taught me how to do the middle. I will not soon forget this lesson, and I will try to do a better job of settling in and enjoying the journey.

I am left trusting that each morsel of understanding I gain from assignments will combine into one large piece of knowledge, leaving me further educated, and accomplishing the overall goal of going to college. Now, onward and upward. An essay awaits! 

1 comment:

  1. Linda,
    A good description of exactly how I feel. I can only hope that each "morsel of understands" finds it's rightful place as I continue my journey as well. Good post~ Lucas
